1. Newleycombe Lake a short way upstrem from Norsworthy Bridge
2. Looking across to Leather Tor from lower slopes of Down Tor
3. Remains of tin workings at the head of Newleycombe Lake
4. Devonport Leat near Devonport Cross
5. Nun's Cross (or Siward's Cross)
6. Nun's Cross Farm (from Nun's Cross)
7. Nun's Cross Farm
8. Nun's Cross Farm (now used as a bunkhouse)
9. Devonport Leat flows into a tunnel nearby Nun's Cross Farm
10. Devonport Leat Cross (or Hutchinson Cross, a memorial to Mrs S L Hutchinson, erected 1968)
11. Looking east across the Newleycombe Lake valley
12. Leather Tor Bridge over the River Meavy